global warming For scientific and political disputes, see Global warming controversy, Scientific opinion on climate change and Public opinion on climate change. For past climate change see Paleoclimatology and Geologic temperature record. For the Sonny Rollins album see Global Warming (album). Page semi-protected Featured article 1880-2010 global annual mean surface air temperature change relative to the 1951–1980 average. The red line is the 5-year running mean (temperature averaged over 5 years). Source: NASA GISS Comparison of surface based (blue) and satellite based (red: UAH; green: RSS) records of global temperature change since 1979. Linear trends plotted since 1982. 2000-2009 global mean land-ocean surface temperature anomalies relative to the 1951-1980 average. Source: NASA Earth Observatory Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation. According to the 2007 Fourth Assessment Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global surface temperature increased by 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) during the 20th century. Most of the observed temperature increase since the middle of the 20th century has been caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases, which result from human activities such as the burning of fossil fuel and deforestation. Global dimming, a phenomenon of increasing atmospheric concentrations of man-made aerosols, which affect cloud properties and block sunlight from reaching the surface, has partially countered the effects of warming induced by greenhouse gases. Climate model projections summarized in the latest IPCC report indicate that the global surface temperature is likely to rise a further 1.1 to 6.4 °C (2.0 to 11.5 °F) during the 21st century. The uncertainty in this estimate arises from the use of models with differing sensitivity to greenhouse gas concentrations and the use of differing estimates of future greenhouse gas emissions. An increase in global temperature will cause sea levels to rise and will change the amount and pattern of precipitation, probably including expansion of subtropical deserts.[5] Warming is expected to be strongest in the Arctic and would be associated with continuing retreat of glaciers, permafrost and sea ice. Other likely effects include more frequent and intense extreme weather events, species extinctions, and changes in agricultural yields. Warming and related changes will vary from region to region around the globe, though the nature of these regional variations is uncertain.As a result of contemporary increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide, the oceans have become more acidic, a result that is predicted to continue. The scientific consensus is that anthropogenic global warming is occurring. Nevertheless, skepticism amongst the wider public remains. The Kyoto Protocol is aimed at stabilizing greenhouse gas concentration to prevent a "dangerous anthropogenic interference". As of November 2009, 187 states had signed and ratified the protocol. Proposed responses to climate change include mitigation to reduce emissions, adaptation to the effects of global warming, and geoengineering to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere or block incoming sunlight. Temperature changes Main article: Temperature record Two millennia of mean surface temperatures according to different reconstructions, each smoothed on a decadal scale, with the instrumemtal temperature record overlaid in black. Evidence for warming of the climate system includes observed increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global average sea level.[14][15][16][17] The most common measure of global warming is the trend in globally averaged temperature near the Earth's surface. Expressed as a linear trend, this temperature rose by 0.74 ± 0.18 °C over the period 1906–2005. The rate of warming over the last half of that period was almost double that for the period as a whole (0.13 ± 0.03 °C per decade, versus 0.07 °C ± 0.02 °C per decade). The urban heat island effect is estimated to account for about 0.002 °C of warming per decade since 1900.[18] Temperatures in the lower troposphere have increased between 0.13 and 0.22 °C (0.22 and 0.4 °F) per decade since 1979, according to satellite temperature measurements. Temperature is believed to have been relatively stable over the one or two thousand years before 1850, with regionally varying fluctuations such as the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age.[19] Estimates by NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and the National Climatic Data Center show that 2005 was the warmest year since reliable, widespread instrumental measurements became available in the late 19th century, exceeding the previous record set in 1998 by a few hundredths of a degree.[20][21] Estimates prepared by the World Meteorological Organization and the Climatic Research Unit show 2005 as the second warmest year, behind 1998.[22][23] Temperatures in 1998 were unusually warm because the strongest El Niño in the past century occurred during that year.Global temperature is subject to short-term fluctuations that overlay long term trends and can temporarily mask them. The relative stability in temperature from 2002 to 2009 is consistent with such an episode. Temperature changes vary over the globe. Since 1979, land temperatures have increased about twice as fast as ocean temperatures (0.25 °C per decade against 0.13 °C per decade) Ocean temperatures increase more slowly than land temperatures because of the larger effective heat capacity of the oceans and because the ocean loses more heat by evaporation. The Northern Hemisphere warms faster than the Southern Hemisphere because it has more land and because it has extensive areas of seasonal snow and sea-ice cover subject to ice-albedo feedback. Although more greenhouse gases are emitted in the Northern than Southern Hemisphere this does not contribute to the difference in warming because the major greenhouse gases persist long enough to mix between hemispheres. The thermal inertia of the oceans and slow responses of other indirect effects mean that climate can take centuries or longer to adjust to changes in forcing. Climate commitment studies indicate that even if greenhouse gases were stabilized at 2000 levels, a further warming of about 0.5 °C (0.9 °F) would still occur. External forcings External forcing refers to processes external to the climate system (though not necessarily external to Earth) that influence climate. Climate responds to several types of external forcing, such as radiative forcing due to changes in atmospheric composition (mainly greenhouse gas concentrations), changes in solar luminosity, volcanic eruptions, and variations in Earth's orbit around the Sun.[31] Attribution of recent climate change focuses on the first three types of forcing. Orbital cycles vary slowly over tens of thousands of years and thus are too gradual to have caused the temperature changes observed in the past century. Greenhouse gases Main articles: Greenhouse effect, Radiative forcing, and Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere Greenhouse effect schematic showing energy flows between space, the atmosphere, and earth's surface. Energy exchanges are expressed in watts per square meter (W/m2). Recent atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) increases. Monthly CO2 measurements display seasonal oscillations in an upward trend; each year's maximum occurs during the Northern Hemisphere's late spring, and declines during its growing season as plants remove some atmospheric CO2. The greenhouse effect is the process by which absorption and emission of infrared radiation by gases in the atmosphere warm a planet's lower atmosphere and surface. It was proposed by Joseph Fourier in 1824 and was first investigated quantitatively by Svante Arrhenius in 1896 Naturally occurring greenhouse gases have a mean warming effect of about 33 °C (59 °F). The major greenhouse gases are water vapor, which causes about 36–70 percent of the greenhouse effect; carbon dioxide (CO2), which causes 9–26 percent; methane (CH4), which causes 4–9 percent; and ozone (O3), which causes 3–7 percent.[34][35][36] Clouds also affect the radiation balance, but they are composed of liquid water or ice and so have different effects on radiation from water vapor. Human activity since the Industrial Revolution has increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to increased radiative forcing from CO2, methane, tropospheric ozone, CFCs and nitrous oxide. The concentrations of CO2 and methane have increased by 36% and 148% respectively since 1750.[37] These levels are much higher than at any time during the last 650,000 years, the period for which reliable data has been extracted from ice cores.Less direct geological evidence indicates that CO2 values higher than this were last seen about 20 million years ago. Fossil fuel burning has produced about three-quarters of the increase in CO2 from human activity over the past 20 years. Most of the rest is due to land-use change, particularly deforestation. Over the last three decades of the 20th century, GDP per capita and population growth were the main drivers of increases in greenhouse gas emissions. CO2 emissions are continuing to rise due to the burning of fossil fuels and land-use change.:71 Emissions scenarios, estimates of changes in future emission levels of greenhouse gases, have been projected that depend upon uncertain economic, sociological, technological, and natural developments. In most scenarios, emissions continue to rise over the century, while in a few, emissions are reduced. These emission scenarios, combined with carbon cycle modelling, have been used to produce estimates of how atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases will change in the future. Using the six IPCC SRES "marker" scenarios, models suggest that by the year 2100, the atmospheric concentration of CO2 could range between 541 and 970 ppm.[49] This is an increase of 90-250% above the concentration in the year 1750. Fossil fuel reserves are sufficient to reach these levels and continue emissions past 2100 if coal, oil sands or methane clathrates are extensively exploited.[50] The destruction of stratospheric ozone by chlorofluorocarbons is sometimes mentioned in relation to global warming. Although there are a few areas of linkage, the relationship between the two is not strong. Reduction of stratospheric ozone has a cooling influence.[51] Substantial ozone depletion did not occur until the late 1970s.[52] Ozone in the troposphere (the lowest part of the Earth's atmosphere) does contribute to surface warming.[53] Aerosols and soot Ship tracks over the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast of the United States. The climatic impacts from aerosol forcing could have a large effect on climate through the indirect effect. Global dimming, a gradual reduction in the amount of global direct irradiance at the Earth's surface, has partially counteracted global warming from 1960 to the present The main cause of this dimming is aerosols produced by volcanoes and pollutants. These aerosols exert a cooling effect by increasing the reflection of incoming sunlight. The effects of the products of fossil fuel combustion—CO2 and aerosols—have largely offset one another in recent decades, so that net warming has been due to the increase in non-CO2 greenhouse gases such as methane. Radiative forcing due to aerosols is temporally limited due to wet deposition which causes aerosols to have an atmospheric lifetime of one week. Carbon dioxide has a lifetime of a century or more, and as such, changes in aerosol concentrations will only delay climate changes due to carbon dioxide. In addition to their direct effect by scattering and absorbing solar radiation, aerosols have indirect effects on the radiation budget. Sulfate aerosols act as cloud condensation nuclei and thus lead to clouds that have more and smaller cloud droplets. These clouds reflect solar radiation more efficiently than clouds with fewer and larger droplets.[58] This effect also causes droplets to be of more uniform size, which reduces growth of raindrops and makes the cloud more reflective to incoming sunlight.Indirect effects are most noticeable in marine stratiform clouds, and have very little radiative effect on convective clouds. Aerosols, particularly their indirect effects, represent the largest uncertainty in radiative forcing Soot may cool or warm the surface, depending on whether it is airborne or deposited. Atmospheric soot aerosols directly absorb solar radiation, which heats the atmosphere and cools the surface. In isolated areas with high soot production, such as rural India, as much as 50% of surface warming due to greenhouse gases may be masked by atmospheric brown clouds.When deposited, especially on glaciers or on ice in arctic regions, the lower surface albedo can also directly heat the surface. The influences of aerosols, including black carbon, are most pronounced in the tropics and sub-tropics, particularly in Asia, while the effects of greenhouse gases are dominant in the extratropics and southern hemisphere. Solar variation Main article: Solar variation Solar variation over thirty years. Variations in solar output have been the cause of past climate changes. The effect of changes in solar forcing in recent decades is uncertain, but small, with some studies showing a slight cooling effectwhile others studies suggest a slight warming effect. Greenhouse gases and solar forcing affect temperatures in different ways. While both increased solar activity and increased greenhouse gases are expected to warm the troposphere, an increase in solar activity should warm the stratosphere while an increase in greenhouse gases should cool the stratosphere. Observations show that temperatures in the stratosphere have been cooling since 1979, when satellite measurements became available. Radiosonde (weather balloon) data from the pre-satellite era show cooling since 1958, though there is greater uncertainty in the early radiosonde record. A related hypothesis, proposed by Henrik Svensmark, is that magnetic activity of the sun deflects cosmic rays that may influence the generation of cloud condensation nuclei and thereby affect the climate. Other research has found no relation between warming in recent decades and cosmic rays. The influence of cosmic rays on cloud cover is about a factor of 100 lower than needed to explain the observed changes in clouds or to be a significant contributor to present-day climate change. Feedback Main article: Climate change feedback Feedback is a process in which changing one quantity changes a second quantity, and the change in the second quantity in turn changes the first. Positive feedback increases the change in the first quantity while negative feedback reduces it. Feedback is important in the study of global warming because it may amplify or diminish the effect of a particular process. The main positive feedback in global warming is the tendency of warming to increase the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere, a significant greenhouse gas. The main negative feedback is radiative cooling, which increases as the fourth power of temperature; the amount of heat radiated from the Earth into space increases with the temperature of Earth's surface and atmosphere. Imperfect understanding of feedbacks is a major cause of uncertainty and concern about global warming. A wide range of potential feedback process exist, such as Arctic methane release and ice-albedo feedback. Consequentially, potential tipping points may exist, which may have the potential to cause abrupt climate change. Climate models Main article: Global climate model Calculations of global warming prepared in or before 2001 from a range of climate models under the SRES A2 emissions scenario, which assumes no action is taken to reduce emissions and regionally divided economic development. The geographic distribution of surface warming during the 21st century calculated by the HadCM3 climate model if a business as usual scenario is assumed for economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions. In this figure, the globally averaged warming corresponds to 3.0 °C (5.4 °F). The main tools for projecting future climate changes are mathematical models based on physical principles including fluid dynamics, thermodynamics and radiative transfer. Although they attempt to include as many processes as possible, simplifications of the actual climate system are inevitable because of the constraints of available computer power and limitations in knowledge of the climate system. All modern climate models are in fact combinations of models for different parts of the Earth. These include an atmospheric model for air movement, temperature, clouds, and other atmospheric properties; an ocean model that predicts temperature, salt content, and circulation of ocean waters; models for ice cover on land and sea; and a model of heat and moisture transfer from soil and vegetation to the atmosphere. Some models also include treatments of chemical and biological processes. Warming due to increasing levels of greenhouse gases is not an assumption of the models; rather, it is an end result from the interaction of greenhouse gases with radiative transfer and other physical processes. Although much of the variation in model outcomes depends on the greenhouse gas emissions used as inputs, the temperature effect of a specific greenhouse gas concentration (climate sensitivity) varies depending on the model used. The representation of clouds is one of the main sources of uncertainty in present-generation models. Global climate model projections of future climate most often have used estimates of greenhouse gas emissions from the IPCC Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES). In addition to human-caused emissions, some models also include a simulation of the carbon cycle; this generally shows a positive feedback, though this response is uncertain. Some observational studies also show a positive feedback.[78][79][80] Including uncertainties in future greenhouse gas concentrations and climate sensitivity, the IPCC anticipates a warming of 1.1 °C to 6.4 °C (2.0 °F to 11.5 °F) by the end of the 21st century, relative to 1980–1999.[2] Models are also used to help investigate the causes of recent climate change by comparing the observed changes to those that the models project from various natural and human-derived causes. Although these models do not unambiguously attribute the warming that occurred from approximately 1910 to 1945 to either natural variation or human effects, they do indicate that the warming since 1970 is dominated by man-made greenhouse gas emissions. The physical realism of models is tested by examining their ability to simulate current or past climates.Current climate models produce a good match to observations of global temperature changes over the last century, but do not simulate all aspects of climate. Not all effects of global warming are accurately predicted by the climate models used by the IPCC. Observed Arctic shrinkage has been faster than that predicted. Precipitation increased proportional to atmospheric humidity, and hence significantly faster than current global climate models predict. Attributed and expected effects Main articles: Effects of global warming and Regional effects of global warming Global warming may be detected in natural, ecological or social systems as a change having statistical significance.Attribution of these changes e.g., to natural or human activities, is the next step following detection Natural systems Sparse records indicate that glaciers have been retreating since the early 1800s. In the 1950s measurements began that allow the monitoring of glacial mass balance, reported to the WGMS and the NSIDC. Global warming has been detected in a number of systems. Some of these changes, e.g., based on the instrumental temperature record, have been described in the section on temperature changes. Rising sea levels and observed decreases in snow and ice extent are consistent with warming.Most of the increase in global average temperature since the mid-20th century is, with high probability,attributable to human-induced changes in greenhouse gas concentrations Even with current policies to reduce emissions, global emissions are still expected to continue to grow over the coming decades Over the course of the 21st century, increases in emissions at or above their current rate would very likely induce changes in the climate system larger than those observed in the 20th century. In the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, across a range of future emission scenarios, model-based estimates of sea level rise for the end of the 21st century (the year 2090-2099, relative to 1980-1999) range from 0.18 to 0.59 m. These estimates, however, were not given a likelihood due to a lack of scientific understanding, nor was an upper bound given for sea level rise. Over the course of centuries to millennia, the melting of ice sheets could result in sea level rise of 4–6 m or more. Changes in regional climate are expected to include greater warming over land, with most warming at high northern latitudes, and least warming over the Southern Ocean and parts of the North Atlantic Ocean. Snow cover area and sea ice extent are expected to decrease. The frequency of hot extremes, heat waves, and heavy precipitation will very likely increase. Ecological systems In terrestrial ecosystems, the earlier timing of spring events, and poleward and upward shifts in plant and animal ranges, have been linked with high confidence to recent warming. Future climate change is expected to particularly affect certain ecosystems, including tundra, mangroves, and coral reefs. It is expected that most ecosystems will be affected by higher atmospheric CO2 levels, combined with higher global temperatures.[90] Overall, it is expected that climate change will result in the extinction of many species and reduced diversity of ecosystems. Social systems There is some evidence of regional climate change affecting systems related to human activities, including agricultural and forestry management activities at higher latitudes in the Northern HemisphereFuture climate change is expected to particularly affect some sectors and systems related to human activitiesLow-lying coastal systems are vulnerable to sea level rise and storm surge. Human health will be at increased risk in populations with limited capacity to adapt to climate change. It is expected that some regions will be particularly affected by climate change, including the Arctic, Africa, small islands, and Asian and African megadeltas. In some areas the effects on agriculture, industry and health could be mixed, or even beneficial in certain respects, but overall it is expected that these benefits will be outweighed by negative effects. Responses to global warming Mitigation Main article: Climate change mitigation See also: Fee and dividend Reducing the amount of future climate change is called mitigation of climate change. The IPCC defines mitigation as activities that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, or enhance the capacity of carbon sinks to absorb GHGs from the atmosphere. Many countries, both developing and developed, are aiming to use cleaner, less polluting, technologies.192 Use of these technologies aids mitigation and could result in substantial reductions in CO2 emissions. Policies include targets for emissions reductions, increased use of renewable energy, and increased energy efficiency. Studies indicate substantial potential for future reductions in emissionsSince even in the most optimistic scenario, fossil fuels are going to be used for years to come, mitigation may also involve carbon capture and storage, a process that traps CO2 produced by factories and gas or coal power stations and then stores it, usually underground. Adaptation Main article: Adaptation to global warming Other policy responses include adaptation to climate change. Adaptation to climate change may be planned, e.g., by local or national government, or spontaneous, i.e., done privately without government intervention.The ability to adapt is closely linked to social and economic development.Even societies with high capacities to adapt are still vulnerable to climate change. Planned adaptation is already occurring on a limited basis. The barriers, limits, and costs of future adaptation are not fully understood. Geoengineering Another policy response is engineering of the climate (geoengineering). This policy response is sometimes grouped together with mitigation.] Geoengineering is largely unproven, and reliable cost estimates for it have not yet been published. Geoengineering encompasses a range of techniques to remove CO2 from the atmosphere or to block incoming sunlight. As most geoengineering techniques would affect the entire globe, the use of effective techniques, if they can be developed, would require global public acceptance and an adequate global legal and regulatory framework. UNFCCC Most countries are Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).The ultimate objective of the Convention is to prevent "dangerous" human interference of the climate system. As is stated in the Convention, this requires that GHGs are stabilized in the atmosphere at a level where ecosystems can adapt naturally to climate change, food production is not threatened, and economic development can proceed in a sustainable fashion. The UNFCCC recognizes differences among countries in their responsibility to act on climate change In the Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC, most developed countries (listed in Annex I of the treaty) took on legally binding commitments to reduce their emissions] Policy measures taken in response to these commitments have reduced emissions. For many developing (non-Annex I) countries, reducing poverty is their overriding aim. At the 15th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties, held in 2009 at Copenhagen, several UNFCCC Parties produced the Copenhagen Accord.[106] Parties agreeing with the Accord aim to limit the future increase in global mean temperature to below 2 °C The 16th Conference of the Parties (COP16) was held at Cancún in 2010. It produced an agreement, not a binding treaty, that the Parties should take urgent action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to meet the 2 °C goal. It also recognized the need to consider strengthening the goal to a global average rise of 1.5 °C. Views on global warming Main articles: Global warming controversy and Politics of global warming See also: Scientific opinion on climate change and Public opinion on climate change Per capita greenhouse gas emissions in 2000, including land-use change. Total greenhouse gas emissions in 2000, including land-use change. There are different views over what the appropriate policy response to climate change should be.These competing views weigh the benefits of limiting emissions of greenhouse gases against the costs. In general, it seems likely that climate change will impose greater damages and risks in poorer regions. Politics Developed and developing countries have made different arguments over who should bear the burden of economic costs for cutting emissions. Developing countries often concentrate on per capita emissions, that is, the total emissions of a country divided by its population. Per capita emissions in the industrialized countries are typically as much as ten times the average in developing countries This is used to make the argument that the real problem of climate change is due to the profligate and unsustainable lifestyles of those living in rich countries On the other hand, commentators from developed countries point out that total carbon emissions, carrying capacity, efficient energy use and civil and political rights are very important issues. World population is the number of humans per unit area. However the land is not the same everywhere. Not only the quantity of fossil fuel use but also the quality of energy use is a key debate point. For example, efficient energy use supporting technological change might help reduce excess carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere. The use of fossil fuels for conspicuous consumption and excessive entertainment are issues that can conflict with civil and political rights. People in developed countries argue that history has proven the difficulty of implementing fair rationing programs in different countries because there is no global system of checks and balances or civil liberties. The Kyoto Protocol, which came into force in 2005, sets legally binding emission limitations for most developed countries. Developing countries are not subject to limitations. This exemption led the U.S. and Australia to decide not to ratify the treaty, although Australia did finally ratify the treaty in December 2007Debate continued at the Copenhagen climate summit and the Cancún climate summit. Public opinion In 2007–2008 Gallup Polls surveyed 127 countries. Over a third of the world's population was unaware of global warming, with people in developing countries less aware than those in developed, and those in Africa the least aware. Of those aware, Latin America leads in belief that temperature changes are a result of human activities while Africa, parts of Asia and the Middle East, and a few countries from the Former Soviet Union lead in the opposite beliefIn the Western world, opinions over the concept and the appropriate responses are divided. Nick Pidgeon of Cardiff University said that "results show the different stages of engagement about global warming on each side of the Atlantic", adding, "The debate in Europe is about what action needs to be taken, while many in the U.S. still debate whether climate change is happening." A 2010 poll by the Office of National Statistics found that 75% of UK respondents were at least "fairly convinced" that the world's climate is changing, compared to 87% in a similar survey in 2006.A January 2011 ICM poll in the UK found 83% of respondents viewed climate change as a current or imminent threat, while 14% said it was no threat. Opinion was unchanged from an August 2009 poll asking the same question, though there had been a slight polarisation of opposing views. A survey in October, 2009 by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press showed decreasing public perception in the United States that global warming was a serious problem. All political persuasions showed reduced concern with lowest concern among Republicans, only 35% of whom considered there to be solid evidence of global warming. The cause of this marked difference in public opinion between the United States and the global public is uncertain but the hypothesis has been advanced that clearer communication by scientists both directly and through the media would be helpful in adequately informing the American public of the scientific consensus and the basis for it. Other views Most scientists accept that humans are contributing to observed climate change. National science academies have called on world leaders for policies to cut global emissions. However, some scientists and non-scientists question aspects of climate-change science. Organizations such as the libertarian Competitive Enterprise Institute, conservative commentators, and some companies such as ExxonMobil have challenged IPCC climate change scenarios, funded scientists who disagree with the scientific consensus, and provided their own projections of the economic cost of stricter controls.[129][130][131][132] In the finance industry, Deutsche Bank has set up an institutional climate change investment division (DBCCA)which has commissioned and published research on the issues and debate surrounding global warming.Environmental organizations and public figures have emphasized changes in the current climate and the risks they entail, while promoting adaptation to changes in infrastructural needs and emissions reductionsSome fossil fuel companies have scaled back their efforts in recent years,or called for policies to reduce global warming. Etymology The term global warming was probably first used in its modern sense on 8 August 1975 in a science paper by Wally Broecker in the journal Science called "Are we on the brink of a pronounced global warming?". Broecker's choice of words was new and represented a significant recognition that the climate was warming; previously the phrasing used by scientists was "inadvertent climate modification," because while it was recognized humans could change the climate, no one was sure which direction it was going The National Academy of Sciences first used global warming in a 1979 paper called the Charney Report, it said: "if carbon dioxide continues to increase, [we find] no reason to doubt that climate changes will result and no reason to believe that these changes will be negligible." The report made a distinction between referring to surface temperature changes as global warming, while referring to other changes caused by increased CO2 as climate change. Global warming became more widely popular after 1988 when NASA scientist James Hansen used the term in a testimony to Congress. He said: "global warming has reached a level such that we can ascribe with a high degree of confidence a cause and effect relationship between the greenhouse effect and the observed warming."His testimony was widely reported and afterward global warming was commonly used by the press and in public discourse. Diposkan oleh shiienjue vii melissa di Minggu, Maret 13, 2011 0 komentar Kirimkan Ini lewat EmailBlogThis!Berbagi ke TwitterBerbagi ke Facebook Reaksi: Selasa, 01 Maret 2011 tujuh keajaiban di sunia Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia tujuh keajaiban di dunia biasanya menunjuk ke Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia Kuno. Pencetus awal daftar ini adalah Antipater Sidon, yang membuat daftar struktur dalam sebuah puisi (sekitar 140 SM). "Aku telah melihat tembok Babilonia yang agung yang di atasnya terbentang jalanan untuk kereta-kereta perang, dan patung Zeus di Alfeus, dan taman-taman gantung, dan Kolosus Matahari, dan karya besar yang membangun piramida-piramida tinggi, serta kuburan yang besar dari Mausolus; namun ketika aku melihat rumah Artemis yang menjulang ke awan-awan, yang lain itu semuanya kehilangan keindahannya, dan aku berkata, 'Tengoklah, selain Olympus, Matahari tidak pernah lagi melihat apapun yang sedemikian agung.'" (Antipater, Greek Anthology IX.58) Enam set Tujuh Kejaiban Ada beberapa pertentangan di antara sumber mengenai Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia, dan dengan alasan yang cukup baik. Setiap zaman telah menambah beberapa pencapaian dan penemuan, memberikan kita banyak keajaiban untuk dilihat dan dikagumi. Banyak orang beranggapan ada enam set Keajaiban Dunia. 1. Keajaiban Dunia Kuno 2. Keajaiban Dunia Pertengahan 3. Keajaiban Dunia Alami 4. Keajaiban Dunia Bawah Air 5. Keajaiban Dunia Modern 6. 7 Keajaiban Dunia Baru Keajaiban Dunia Kuno Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia Kuno, dengan Pharos Aleksandria, berasal dari zaman Pertengahan. Menurut daftar Antipater tertulis Tembok Babylon dan bukan menara lampu. Dalam urutan sesuai huruf: 1. Colossus Rodos — patung Helios yang sangat besar, dibuat sekitar tahun 292–280 SM oleh Chures, sekarang Yunani. 2. Taman Gantung Babilonia — dibuat oleh Nebukadnezar II, sekitar abad ke-8 SM–abad ke-6 SM, sekarang Irak. 3. Mausoleum Mausolus — makam Mausolus, satrap Persia, Caria, dibuat pada tahun 353–351 SM, di kota Halicarnassus, sekarang Bodrum, Turki. 4. Mercusuar Iskandariyah — mercusuar dibangun sekitar tahun 270 SM di pulau Pharos dekat Alexandria pada masa pemerintahan Ptolemeus II oleh arsitek Yunani Sostratus, sekarang Mesir. 5. Piramida Giza — dipakai sebagai makam untuk firaun Mesir Khufu, Khafre, dan Menkaure, sekarang Mesir. Dibangun pada dinasti ke-4 Mesir (sekitar 2575– sekitar 2465 SM) 6. Patung Zeus — berada di Olympia, dipahat oleh pemahat Yunani Fidias, kira-kira 457 SM sekarang Yunani. 7. Kuil Artemis — 550 SM, di Efesus, sekarang Turki. Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia Kuno Piramida Piramida Agung Giza Taman Gantung Taman Gantung Babilonia Patung Zeus Patung Zeus di Olympia Kuil Artemis Kuil Artemis di Efesus Mausoleum Mausolus Mausoleum Mausolus Colossus Colossus Rodos Mercusuar Iskandariyah Mercusuar Iskandariyah Dua dari masing-masing keajaiban dunia sekarang berada di wilayah Yunani, Mesir, dan Turki, dan satu berada di Irak. Satu satunya keajaiban dunia kuno yang masih bertahan adalah pembuatan pertama, Piramid Giza. Keajaiban dunia kuno yang berumur paling pendek adalah Colossus of Rhodes, yang hanya bertahan selama 56 tahun sebelum dihancurkan oleh gempa bumi. Ada beberapa perdebatan tentang apakah Taman Gantung Babilonia pernah dibangun. Keajaiban Dunia Pertengahan Setelah keruntuhan peradaban kuno, ingatan akan keajaiban dunia kuno yang hancur perlahan menghilang. Kaum cerdik-pandai dan filsuf meninjau ulang dan menulis kembali daftar keajaiban, menghilangkan yang lama dan menggantikannya dengan "yang baru dibuat" sementara kisah mereka menyebar. Setelah beberapa abad sebuah konsensus muncul dalam bentuk daftar Tujuh Keajaiban Pikiran Pertengahan: 1. Katakombe Kom el Shoqafa 2. Colosseum 3. Tembok Besar China 4. Hagia Sophia 5. Menara miring Pisa 6. Menara porselen Nanjing (Nanjing, Cina) 7. Stonehenge (Skotlandia, Britania Raya) Keajaiban alam Sama dengan daftar keajaiban dunia lainnya, tidak ada kesepakatan akan daftar tentang keajaiban alam dunia. Salah satu dari daftar keajaiban dunia alami disusun oleh CNN:[1] 1. Grand Canyon 2. Great Barrier Reef 3. Pelabuhan Rio de Janeiro 4. Mount Everest 5. Northern Lights 6. Volkano Paricutín 7. Air terjun Victoria Keajaiban bawah air Meskipun keajaiban dunia bawah laut adalah keajaiban dunia alami dan tidak dibuat oleh manusia; keajaiban di bawah ini bisa berada di dalam laut, di bawah permukaan laut, atau dikelilingi oleh perairan. 1. Karang Penghalang Belize 2. Deep-Sea Vents 3. Kepulauan Galapagos 4. Karang Penghalang Besar 5. Danau Baikal 6. Laut Merah Utara 7. Palau Keajaiban modern Banyak orang sudah menyusun daftar Keajaiban dunia modern (Sekarang). Daftar yang paling umum adalah: 1. Terowongan Channel (Britania Raya dan Perancis) 2. Menara CN (Toronto, Kanada) 3. Empire State Building (New York, Amerika Serikat) 4. Jembatan Golden Gate (San Francisco, AS) 5. Dam Itaipu (Brazil dan Paraguay) 6. Borobudur (Indonesia) 7. Terusan Panama (Panama) [sunting] 7 Keajaiban baru Sebuah projek tentang 7 keajaiban dunia secara luas. Pada tanggal 7 Juli 2007 terpilih 7 Keajaiban dunia baru dengan suara terbanyak[2] yaitu: Keajaiban Simbol Lokasi Gambar Tembok Besar Tiongkok Perlindungan, Terus Menerus Cina Tembok Besar di musim dingin Petra Teknik, Perlindungan Yordania Keindahan Petra Patung Kristus Penebus Penerimaan, Keterbukaan Bendera Brasil Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Patung Kristus penebus di Rio de Janeiro Machu Picchu Komunitas, Dedikasi Bendera Peru Cuzco, Perú Pemandangan Machu Picchu Chichén Itzá Pemujaan, Ilmu Pengetahuan Bendera Meksiko Yucatán, Mexico El Castillo sedang dikunjungi oleh para turis Colosseum Kesenangan, Penderitaan Bendera Italia Roma, Italy The Colosseum saat matahari terbenam: bagian luar yang terbaik untuk dilihat Taj Mahal Cinta, Hasrat Bendera India Agra, India Taj Mahal Piramid Giza (Kandidat Kehormatan, karena satu-satunya dari Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia Kuno yang masih ada) Tidak Punah, Keabadian Bendera Mesir Kairo, Mesir Pyramide Kheops [sunting] Finalis 7 Keajaiban Dunia Baru 21 finalis[3], disusun secara alfabet dan dengan simbol yang diasosiasikan adalah: Keajaiban Simbol Lokasi Gambar Acropolis Peradaban, Demokrasi Bendera Yunani Athena, Yunani Acropolis, dilihat dari sisi barat bukit Pnyx Alhambra Harga Diri, Dialog Bendera Spanyol Granada, Spanyol Pemandangan Alhambra dari Mirador St Nicolas di Albaycin, Granada Angkor Wat Keindahan, Suaka Bendera Kamboja Angkor, Kamboja Pintu Utama Candi, dilihat dari bagian timur Pintu Naga Chichen Itza Pemujaan, Ilmu Pengetahuan Bendera Meksiko Yucatán, Mexico El Castillo sedang dikunjungi oleh para turis Patung Kristus Penebus Penerimaan, Keterbukaan Bendera Brasil Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Patung Kristus penebus di Rio de Janeiro Colosseum Kesenangan, Penderitaan Bendera Italia Roma, Italy The Colosseum saat matahari terbenam: bagian luar yang terbaik untuk dilihat Moai Misteri, Keluarbiasaan Bendera Chili Pulau Paskah, Chili Rano Raraku Moai Menara Eiffel Tantangan, Kemajuan Bendera Perancis Paris, Perancis Menara eiffel saat matahari terbit dilihat dari trocadero Tembok Besar Tiongkok Perlindungan, Terus Menerus Bendera Republik Rakyat Cina Republik Rakyat Cina Tembok Besar di musim dingin Hagia Sophia Keyakinan, Penghormatan Bendera Turki Istanbul, Turki Sophia Biara Kiyomizu Kejelasan, Ketenangan Bendera Jepang Kyoto, Jepang Kiyomizu-dera Kremlin, Lapangan Merah, dan Katedral Saint Basil Pertahanan, Simbolik Bendera Rusia Moskow, Rusia Moscow Kremlin, dilihat dari Balchug Katedral Saint Basil dan Menara Spasskaya Moscow Kremlin di Lapangan Merah Moskow Machu Picchu Komunitas, Dedikasi Bendera Peru Cuzco, Perú Pemandangan Machu Picchu Istana Neuschwanstein Fantasi, Khayalan Bendera Jerman Füssen, Jerman Neuschwanstein dilihat dari Marienbrücke Petra Teknik, Perlindungan Yordania Keindahan Petra Piramid Giza Ketidakpunahan, Keabadian Bendera Mesir Kairo, Mesir Pyramide Kheops Patung Liberty Kemurahan hati, Harapan Bendera Amerika Serikat New York City, Amerika Serikat Patung Liberty danPulau Liberty Diposkan oleh shiienjue vii melissa di Selasa, Maret 01, 2011 0 komentar
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